Notifications on Lock Screen with DashNotifier for DashClock

Android, Best Android Application, Google


If you haven’t already tried Google Developer Roman Nurik‘s fantastic DashClock Widget, now may be the time to try. The replacement lock screen clock widget for devices running Android 4.2 or newer serves as a beautiful way of displaying not only the time, but also weather, date, Gmail messages, your next alarm, and more.

Despite the great built-in features and aesthetics, perhaps DashClock’s best trait is that additional functionality can be added through extensions created specifically for the app. XDA Forum Member umanx has created one such extension called DashNotifier. Making use of the new NotificationListener service in Android 4.3, it shows notifications from any application in DashClock, rather than just Gmail messages.

If you’re running Android 4.3 and would like to supercharge your DashClock Widget, head over to the application thread and give this a shot. Be sure to leave some feedback for umanx, as the extension is still under active development.